Judge Advocates Association

The Judge Advocates Association is a national legal society that was organized in 1943 by a small group of Army attorneys in Washington, D.C.  Our membership now includes active duty, reserve, and guard judge advocates and paralegals, law school students, and retired judge advocates from all of the armed services.

The Judge Advocates Association is the only national professional legal organization exclusively dedicated to the advancement of Judge Advocates and practitioners of military law.

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The Judge Advocates Association is deeply concerned by the reported removal of three Judge Advocates General by the Secretary of Defense. The Judge Advocates General and all judge advocates are bound to provide independent, nonpartisan legal advice. Their allegiance is to the Constitution and their client is the United States. The summary removal of the JAGs tends to subvert the independence and integrity of the military justice system, which is essential to combat readiness and critical to national security. We respectfully urge the Secretary to reconsider his decision and the Department of Defense to uphold the principles of fairness and professionalism that are the foundation of military law. 

Please read this article if you want to learn more about the role of judge advocates: 

Is independent, nonpartisan legal advice from military lawyers on the chopping block? 

This is the position of the Judge Advocates Association and not any particular member.

Recent News

What a great first day at Jobs for JAGs!

We had over 140 JAGs join us to learn about different options available for transitioning JAGs!


Upcoming Events

JAA/JAF Awards Dinner

Thursday, 8 May 2025 @ 6:00pm

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