The Judge Advocates Association is a national legal society that was organized in 1943 by a small group of Army attorneys in Washington, D.C. Our membership now includes active duty, reserve, and guard judge advocates and paralegals, law school students, and retired judge advocates from all of the armed services.
The Judge Advocates Association is the only national professional legal organization exclusively dedicated to the advancement of Judge Advocates and practitioners of military law.
The Air Force Civilian Service (AFCS) is looking for an Attorney Advisor (GS-0905-14) to serve as an International Law Attorney at Headquarters, United States Air Forces in Europe and Africa (HQ USAFE-AFAFRICA) at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. If you are looking for a unique opportunity to work in international law to include aviation law, U.S. fiscal law as it applies to military operations and security cooperation law, and the implementation of DOD overseas environmental policy, come join the USAFE legal team! For more information, see #jpm_a0583000000IJxdAAG" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> or contact
These mission-critical positions offer us the flexibility to hire like the private sector—with a stream-lined application, and we can make job offers on the spot.