Judge Advocates Association


The Judge Advocates Association, the Judge Advocates Foundation, and the American Bar Association

present a number of awards to Judge Advocates on an annual basis. 


The Chief Justice John Marshall Lifetime Achievement Award is the Judge Advocates Foundation’s highest award.  The Foundation established the award, commemorating Chief Justice Marshall, a former Continental Army officer and judge advocate, to honor individuals, who once served as a judge advocate; who separated from military service after meeting their required term of service; and subsequently made great contributions and achievements outside of military law. 

You can find past recipients here 

To learn more, please contact the Foundation’s Executive Director here.


The Robinson O. Everett Distinguished Life Service Award is the Judge Advocates Association’s highest award. The award honors individuals who have demonstrated a lifetime of dedicated service to the principles of military and veterans law and justice and devotion to the mission and objectives of the Association and its members.  The Award was first presented to Chief Judge Robinson O. Everett of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. The Association then received permission from Judge Everett to name the award after him. 

You can find past recipients here 

To learn more, please contact the Association’s Executive Director here.


The Judge Advocates Foundation presents its Major General William K. Suter Distinguished Judicial Service Award to a trial or appellate judge serving in the active, reserve, guard, or civilian in the Armed Services. The annual recipient of the award is selected based on military and judicial accomplishments, unquestionable integrity, and community service. The award was created in 2007 and was named after Major General Suter who served as Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1991 until his retirement in 2013.  Major General Suter is widely recognized for his commitment to the judicial community and the Armed Forces.

You can find past recipients here 

To learn more, please contact the Foundation’s Executive Director here.


This award recognizes outstanding contributions to the Armed Services by career attorneys serving as Judge Advocates. The awards are presented at a banquet held each year in the National Capital Region.  Each service is invited to nominate candidates who are serving on active duty or in a reserve or guard status.  The Judge Advocate General of each branch of service, along with the Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, participate in the selection process.  Nominees must be at least 35 years of age and have a demonstrated record of outstanding professional accomplishments, service to community, service to the legal profession, and development of subordinates.

You can find past recipients here 

To learn more, please contact the Association’s Executive Director here.


This ABA award recognizes outstanding contributions to the practice of military law. At the request of the ABA, the JAA Awards Committee evaluates all nominations submitted for this award. The JAA provides the list of winners for each service to the ABA. Nominees must be a licensed attorney who is on active duty and who is under the age of 36 (or first admitted to practice by his or her bar, within the past five years).  Nominees are not required to be members of the American Bar Association.  The award is presented at the ABA annual meeting.  Nominations are due annually to a point of contact designated each year by each service.

You can find past recipients here 

To learn more, please consult the ABA website for details at https://www.americanbar.org/groups/young_lawyers/projects/military-lawyer-award/.