Judge Advocates Association
The Judge Advocates Association is the only national professional organization dedicated exclusively to Judge Advocates and military law practitioners.  Your support is vital to furthering the missions and objectives of the Association which include to:
The Judge Advocates Association is your “seat at the table,” with an influential voice in the organizations and entities that shape military law.  We actively represent the interests of the military bar through testimony before Congress and personal contact with elected officials, congressional staffers, and representatives of the Department of Defense and other executive branch agencies. In recent years, we have testified before the Congressional panel studying the relationship between Military Department General Counsels and Judge Advocates General, testified before the SASC and HASC regarding proposed military justice amendments, participated as amicus in the Supreme Court case of Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights, supported the establishment of 3-star JAGs, and numerous other less-visible activities in support of Judge Advocates and other practitioners of military law.